This is some Laura Ashley wallpaper which I used in a necklace that I made in 2003. I found the wallpaper lining the drawers of an old buro at home. The necklace also contains lots of odd trinkits within the silver clusters, such as 'bra bits' (little enameled hoops used on bra straps) and suspender belt clasps.
I love the energy, the muddle of it all. I never thought that I was that inspired by nature but I think that the randomness must have filtered in through my subconscious. This painting helps me understand that.
This is my Re-Found Brooch #3. The photo shows both the front and the back of the brooch, both as elabroate as each other. When not being worn this piece can be treasured as an object.
I bought this in Peru when I was travelling there a few years ago. A bit has broken off it but it is a halo which a little girl could put on her dolly. So you can make anything holy which I find hilarious.
This is a beautiful old slide that I found lots of years ago at a car boot sale in Edinburgh. Its of the dome that stands next to the leaning tower of Pisa. I used to have a bit of a dome obsession and still love them, I don't know what it is...The slide is falling apart a bit now which is a shame, it is still beautiful though.